Reasons to choose the Vienna Region.
Read more in our blog.
What location advantages has the Vienna Region to offer?
On first sight, Vienna Region might seem small, maybe even too small to have an international impact. This is where you are wrong. Vienna Region, which consists of the three most Eastern regions of the country – Vienna, which is Austria’s capital, Lower Austria and Burgenland – is an innovative and modern region, worth to […]
In the Making.
The VIENNA REGION Marketing GmbH was founded in 2008 with the aim of internationally marketing and positioning the business location Vienna Region. It is owned by the Austrian Federal Provinces of Vienna, Lower Austria and Burgenland and is a joint initiative of the Vienna Business Agency, ecoplus-The Business Agency of Lower Austria and Wirtschaftsagentur Burgenland. […]
I love plants and the diversity of nature.
The VIENNA REGION Marketing GmbH was founded in 2008 with the aim of internationally marketing and positioning the business location Vienna Region. It is owned by the Austrian Federal Provinces of Vienna, Lower Austria and Burgenland and is a joint initiative of the Vienna Business Agency, ecoplus-The Business Agency of Lower Austria and Wirtschaftsagentur Burgenland. […]