ICT | Digital Technologies

Vienna ranks among the top ICT metropolises in Europe and strives to become Europe‘s digital capital. It is among Europe's largest ICT locations, behind London but on a par with Munich and Helsinki. It is as much a tech location as it is a tourism destination. 11,000 national and international ICT companies are responsible for approximately two-thirds of the total turnover of the ICT sector in Austria.


A large number of ICT suppliers located in the Vienna Region have managed to achieve top market positions in the world with their products by offering a broad range of products and services.






turnover in €

ICT Companies in the Vienna Region.

Vienna has been leading the ranking of the most liveable cities for years, scoring highly on quality of life and safety as well as on very good public transport. These are all aspects that are included in a decision if you want to settle down as a company or manager in Vienna. Not to mention the variety of culture and leisure activities that Vienna offers and that had a strong influence on my own personal decision to become a resident here. An important advantage of the location is that more than half of the Austrian IT industry is located in Vienna and its surroundings and that we can be very close to many of our partners.

— Dorothee Ritz, General Manager Microsoft Austria