Life Science

The Vienna Region features an outstanding life sciences industry. The focus is on pharma, biotech such as vaccine research, immunology, cancer research and medical engineering. With 1,800 employees from 70 different countries, the Vienna BioCenter is one of Europe’s biggest life sciences hubs and has received some of the most prestigious awards in the world, including two Breakthrough Prizes. The MedAustron Centre for Ion Beam Therapy and Research in Wiener Neustadt is only the fourth site in Europe offering radiation herapy using ion beams to treat tumours.

The Vienna Region as a life science hotspot.

Life sciences has a long tradition in Austria. This tradition is the basis of a dynamic pool of researchers and entrepreneurs. Today, an excellent network of renowned academic institutions, global players, family owned businesses as well as innovative start-ups has been established. Strong ties between science and industry have been formed, which improved the innovative outcome for society. This makes life sciences a quite attractive sector for many stakeholders. Based on the above-mentioned tradition, the Vienna Region is one of the top locations for life sciences in Europe. This branch of science deals with living organisms and life processes.


research & education institutions


life science students


R&D spendings in life science

Life Science Companies in the Vienna Region.

Clusters, Networks & Competence Centers.

Pfizer has a sales office in Vienna and production facilities for vaccines in Lower Austria. We have chosen the Vienna Region because it offers us highly qualified staff as well as stability and a safe and secure environment, ranging from the political and economic situation to a very low risk of natural disasters. In addition, Austria boasts very high medical standards in an international context. The long medical tradition, qualified doctors, dedicated researchers and pecialised institutions in various therapeutic areas are a perfect basis for medical breakthroughs of the future.

— Robin Rumler