In this monthly column we want to help visitors and expats to the Vienna Region to find their way around the region easier. At a Glance is a guide to the most important addresses, must-sees and everyday problems that can occur when living in the Vienna Region. Every month we will focus on one aspect in this column.
As the capital of Austria, Vienna offers manifold possibilities. More detailed information on the city of Vienna can be found in the Welcome to Vienna guide.
Emergency at a Glance
No one likes to think about emergencies, but now and again they do occur. Where you can turn to in case of emergency in the Vienna Region
Call 112 for the international emergency service
Call 122 for the fire brigade
Call 133 for the police
Call 144 for the ambulance
Hospitals in Vienna
AKH Wien Vienna General Hospital
overview of hospitals located in Vienna
Hospitals in Burgenland
Hospital Krankenanstalt Oberwart
overview of hospitals located in Burgenland (information in German only)
Hospitals in Lower Austria
Universitätsklinikum St. Pölten General Hospital (information only in German)
overview of hospitals located in Lower Austria (information in German only)