Monthly News: At a Glance – Funding


In this monthly column we want to help visitors and expats to the Vienna Region to find their way around the region easier. At a Glance is a guide to the most important addresses, must-sees and everyday problems that can occur when living in the Vienna Region. Every month we will focus on one aspect in this column.

As the capital of Austria, Vienna offers manifold possibilities. More detailed information on the city of Vienna can be found in the Welcome to Vienna guide.

Funding at a Glance
Even the best business plans would not work out without sufficient funding. But where can you get funding in the Vienna Region? Do all kinds of businesses even get funding? Learn more about the “how to” of funding in a short overview.

Before you can start a business in the Vienna Region, there are two basic criteria you must fulfill: 

  • you need to have permission to work in Vienna Region 
  • you need a permit for being able to work in a particular job. 

If you fulfill the above-mentioned criteria, you need to choose what kind of company you would like to set up. You could set up a branch office or you could found a new company, a so-called Limited Liability Company (GmbH). Maybe you are totally new on the market as an innovative startup.

So far, so confusing, right? Luckily enough, there are companies specialising in these areas. If you plan to set up your business in the Vienna Region and need help with the setting up, have a look at aws or FFG as well as the Vienna Business Agency. If you still have not found all the answers you were looking for, maybe the Austrian Economic Chambers can help you to solve some problems.